26 Nisan 2013 Cuma


1-------------------------- Accept - except -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Accept (v) receive something given physically,  bir şeyi kabul etmek, onaylamak
 =acquire, gain, get, obtain   x deny, discard, refuse.
 Accept (v) put up with   dayanmak, tahmmül etmek, 
 Except to leave out or exclude. Haricinde
 Except (preposition) with the exclusion of 
2-------------------------- Affect- effect --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Affect (v) to have influence of impression on.  etkilemek.
   The old man was deeply affected by the bad news.
   =influence, alter, change. x....
   Effect (n) result. Etki, sonuç.
   All the things I told him had no effect on him.
3------------------- Anyway (adverb)-- Any way--------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Anyway (adverb) in any case; at any rate; zaten her neyse.
   Anyway even if you know that you will fail, you can try.
   Any way:  a way which is known or unknown. Herhangi bir yol.
   Do you know any way to solve this problem?
4- ----------------------Beside (preposition)--- Besides (prep.) Besides (adverb)------------------------------
    Beside (preposition) at the side of; close to. Yanında.
    I would like to live beside the sea Sarıyer.
    Beside (preposition) compared with. Karşılaştırıldığında
    Ayşe is quite tall beside her brother.
    Besides (prep) in addition to; as well as; den başka.
    I have three other shirts besides these.
    Besides (adverb) moreover; also. ayrıca,  dahası.
5------------------------------ Biannual (adj.)-----Biennial (adj.)--------------------------------------------------------------
    Biannual (adj.) appearing twice a year; yılda iki kere, altı ayda bir.
    Have ever seen a biannual magazine? You can not. Because they are generally bimonthly.
    Biennial (adj.) appearing every two years; iki yılda bir.
    The European Football Championship is a biennial organization.
6-------------------------- Bare (adj.)----Bear (v)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Bare (adj.) empty Boş   
    This cupboard is bare.
     Bear (v) put up with, can stand. Tahammül  etmek..
     I do not know how you can bear to live here.
7---------------------------- Capital (n), (adj.)-----Capitol (n)------------------------------------------------------------------
    Capital (n) wealth / money / property that may be used for the production of more wealth;
    Main capital of this company is said to have come from drug sales.
    Capital (adj.) town or city where the government of a country. Başkent    
    Ankara is the Turkey’s capital city.
    Capitol (n) building in which the United States Congress meets. Hükümet binası, resmi bina  

    8----------------------- Complement (v),(n)---compliment(v),(n)----complimentary(adj.)---------------------------
        Complement (v) to make something complete; add to. tamamlamak, ilave etmek.
        His argument is not complemented by any evidence.
        Complement (n) completion, finish. Tamamlama  
        These kinds of tours are considered the necessary complement of high school education in Turkey.
        Compliment (v) to praise, honor, flatter. Övmek, iltifat etmek. 
        An old dancer came backstage to compliment the young dancer on his performance. 
        Compliment (n) = flattery.
        This the greatest compliment I have heard so far this book.
        Complimentary (adj.) free. Bedava    
        When you buy a car here, P.C. is complimentary with a internet package.
   9-----------------------------  Council (n)---Counsel (v)------------------------------------------------------------------------
        Council (n) group of persons elected to give advice, make rules, and carry out plans,
                           especially of government.
        City council gathered to discuss the matter.
        Counsel (v) to advice; to give counsel to. öğüt vermek, danışmanlık yapmak .
        Do you counsel me to give up our plan, totally?
        Counsellor (n) adviser.
 10----------------------------------Desert (v)---Desert(n)---Dessert (n)------------------------------------------------------
      Desert (v) to leave; go away; terketmek 
      He deserted his wife to marry a new wife.
      Desert(n) large area with waterless and treeless often sand covered.
      Do you know where the Sahara Desert?
      Dessert (n) server at the end of a meal; fruit with pudding with ice-cream
      What would you like as dessert sir?
11----------------------------------Loose (adj.)--Loose (v)------Lose (v)--------------------------------------------------
    Loose (adj.) packed free; gevşek   
    Please, do not leave your dog’s rope loose, it looks dangerous.
    Loose (v) to make free or loose. Gevşetmek   
    The ropes loosed.
    Lose (v) He lost his job when he was late.
12------------------------------------Plain (n) ---Plain (adj.)------------------------------------------------------------------
    Plain (n) area of level country; düz arazi, arazi   
    Have ever seen the wide plains of Scotland?
    Plain (adj.) easy to see, hear or understand. Sade, yalın anlaşılır. 
    She spoke plain English so we could easily understood her.
13-----------------------------------Stationary (adj.)----Stationery (n)-----------------------------------------------------
    Stationary (adj.) not moving or changing. Sabit, değişmeyen  
    I want you to make a list of the stationary things in the office.
    Stationery (n) writing materials. Kırtasiye, yazı gereçleri  
    Have you got any stationary? I have to write something.

   ZIRVE UNIVERSITY  ELT-3  24. 04.2013 wednesday